If you're a regular reader of my blog, you probably already know what a big fan I am of Refund Cents. This site is packed with useful information - Walgreens/CVS/Wal-Mart/Target deal alerts, a searchable coupon database, a daily digest of the hottest freebies and deals, deal discussion boards, and on and on...
An online membership to Refund Cents is only a few dollars a year, and it will pay for itself many, many, MANY times over - even after your first few visits. In fact, it's the only "deal-finding" membership that I'm willing to pay for.
Want to check it out for free? This Thursday (5/7) and Friday (5/8), Refund Cents will be having a two-day open access day for people to try it out. Click HERE to get the site, and use the following to log in:
Username: clipping
Password: coupons
Once, you're logged in, check out my two favorite sections: 1) Michele's Updates, and 2) Centsible Chat. Enjoy!
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