Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Saving Money Hits Home - Oprah Interview

Today, after a long day at work, and the kids tucked into bed, Daddy Diva and I settled down on the couch to catch up on a couple shows we had recorded earlier in the week. I had heard earlier that today's Oprah was about helping families save money, which was right up my alley, so needless to say, I was excited about today's show and managed to convince my hubby to watch it with me.

The main story was about a frugal family from Florida that visited a family from Minnesota to help them cut their expenses and live within their means. It was exciting enough to see that a Minnesota family was featured on Oprah, but imagine my surprise when they showed a clip of the family walking into their local grocery store, when to my utter amazement, I realized "Hey, that's my store!" Yes, the Minnesota family was not only from the same city as us, but they shop at the Cub Foods a few blocks from our house!!! OUR Cub Foods! We had to rewind the clip a few times to believe it ourselves....there they are walking in....there's the townhomes next to the store....there are the shops across the street. Then they showed them standing in the store meat section...sure enough, I know that store layout by heart. Amazing!

Here's the link to the story:

And to think they had to go all the way to Florida to find a thrifty family to help teach this local family how to save money, when all this time we were right down the street from them, saving money like crazy. Well, if they ever need a refresher course, help is just a few blocks away, and if I ever run into them in the store, I'd be glad to share some coupons and some tips with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched this story too and was so glad to see that frugal is becoming the "cool" thing to do.
