Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Secret Weapon - Refund Cents

Ok, I’m about to let you in on a little secret…wait, little just doesn’t cut it….it’s a HUGE secret. In fact, when I first found out about it, my savings on everyday items went through the roof. Are you ready? What is it?

It’s Refund Cents – a website/message board dedicated to helping bargain hunters save money…BIG TIME. Membership is only $12 per year for a login and password, and this gives you access to Michele’s Updates – a daily listing of the hottest deals, offers, and coupon codes, as well as access to Centsible Chat – a message board where other bargain hunters post deals they have found and their strategies, along with pages and pages of “How To’s”, store policies, and coupon trading boards. I first joined Refund Cents a few years ago, and I must say, the $12 annual fee is nothing compared to the hundreds of dollars I have saved by reading Michele’s Updates and Centsible Chat. You can even search Centsible Chat to look for posts regarding a specific deal or store.

Refund Cents is where I first learned about the Walgreens diaper deals, Sears free gas promotion, as well as many of the “sale+coupon = free” strategies I’ve used to get free items at many stores. Whenever I place an online order at Amazon or Kohls, I first search Centsible Chat to find a free shipping code or an additional percentage off code.

Interested in checking out Refund Cents for free? Once or twice a year, Michele opens up the site for people to check it out. The next open site event will be tomorrow -Thursday, and Friday, Oct 16 & 17. Just click HERE, and get ready to take your deal hunting hobby to the next level.

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